Digital ova and parasite identification assistance for diagnosis
The Techcyte O&P Fecal Test uses deep machine learning to
categorize the following organisms and cells:
• Giardia lamblia cysts
• Giardia lamblia trophs
• Blastocystis hominis
• Dientamoeba fragilis
• Entamoeba coli
• Endolimax nana
• Chilomastix mesnili
• Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
• Entamoeba hartmanni
• Iodamoeba butschlii
• White blood cells
• Red blood cells
• Charcot-Leyden crystals
Computer vision represents the next frontier in laboratory diagnostics. Computer vision in the year 2020 is analogous to PCR in the year 2000. AI in general and computer vision in specific are emerging diagnostic tools for clinical microbiology.